About Us

Hi, I'm Lindsay—a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl with a love for jewelry that reflects my personality. Now, who walks into Home Depot and thinks, "This is where I’ll find my kind of jewelry"? The answer? This girl.
Washershore jewelry is crafted from stainless steel washers—the kind that once sat next to nuts and bolts in hardware stores. What started as a creative outlet during my recovery from back surgery has turned into something far bigger. Back then, I didn’t have the studio space or the resources to fully explore my vision, but I kept at it, creating on a small scale.
Fast forward to 2016, Jenn and I decided to bring Washershore to life. We've poured our passion into this company, designing unique, beautiful pieces that Cape Cod locals and visitors alike love to wear.
Make a statement. Hardware it with Washershore!